RankPower Joins the Sustainable Business Network
We live in a challenging time.
Climate change is undeniable, affecting orange-painted ex Presidents the same as anyone else.
But this is a worldwide problem and we as individuals are powerless to do anything about it, right?
Well, we think we can. Even if it’s just tiny in the scheme of things. But hey, we can dream big and hope that everyone follows our example, and we can also sleep better at night knowing that what we are doing can go toward preserving a way of life for our kids, and maybe even save the world.
You have to dream it first.
Then you need to do something about it to make it real.
“Due to its relative isolation, this country has incredible biodiversity. There are an estimated 80,000 species of native animals, plants and fungi found only here.
This biodiversity is at risk. Three quarters of New Zealand’s bush has been cut down and 90% of the wetlands have been drained to create farmland, towns and cities. Three quarters of native fish species are threatened with extinction.
All Kiwis have an important role to play in the regeneration of our natural systems.”

At RankPower, we see it as our responsibility to play an active part in taking care of our land and our planet.
That’s why today, we joined the Sustainable Business Network.
But it’s way more than just a membership to us. Exactly how seriously we are taking this may surprise you!
RankPower will donate 2% of Gross Annual Revenue toward Regeneration Projects.
Not just now. Not just this year.
Much more than a token membership and a few seminars on how to be more environmentally conscious, we are taking it to the next level.
We are showing a deep commitment to Regeneration by working absolutey every day toward that objective. Every month, every week, and every hour where we collect fees for the services delivered to our clients will have 2% of those fees donated to the cause.
We Challenge You!
Because we aren’t just dreamers, we recognise that our efforts and contributions won’t be enough.
We Challenge You to join us in the effort.
Just imagine if the big corporations met our challenge! Climate change could even be under control in just a couple of years.
Investing in nature regeneration:
Sustainable Business Network multiplies investment in nature regeneration by connecting businesses and philanthropy to quality nature regeneration projects. These projects enhance biodiversity and make improvements to air and water quality. They have social and economic benefits as well, bringing communities together, and creating jobs in restoration.